Saturday, February 8, 2025

Portfolio Project Schedule


As you would know based off of my previous posts, we have been assigned a Portfolio Project to complete a film opening. And with a project as extensive as this one, it is essential to break down the project into separate parts, to avoid being overwhelmed. Thankfully, I am working with Brady on this assignment, so having a partner should help shorten the workload.

Project Schedule:

I have 7 weeks left until the due date. I need to finish it as quick as possible to leave time for mistakes along the way.

Week 1 (2/13-2/19)

Finish Up Research

Plan Scenes

Come up with Dialogue

Week 2 (2/20-2/26)

Finish planning

Set filming days

Plan out filming locations


Week 3 (2/27-3/4)

Start Production

Continue filming

Blog the production process

Week 4 (3/5-3/11)

Begin editing

Create Foley Sounds

Week 5 (3/12-3/18)

Continue Editing process

Edit in multiple ways

Analyze both and choose one

Week 6 (3/19-3/25)

Revise Editing

Creative Critical Reflection

Research information relating to the reflection.

Create the reflection.

Edit and review CCR.

Week 7 (3/26-4/2)

Buffer Week for any issues

Finalize whole project

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