Todorovs Narrative Theory is a structural method of narrative analysis that was developed by the Bulgarian-French historian Tzvetan Todorov. According to this theory, most stories progress through five stages:
1. Equilibrium: The story begins with a stable situation where the characters are comfortable, and life is going as usual.
2. Disruption: The stability of the of the world is disrupted by a problem or coming challenge that must be addressed by the characters.
3. Recognition: The characters become fully aware of the problem and that they must begin to work to solve it,
4. Resolution: The protagonists take steps to address and resolve the disturbance, in an effort to reestablish balance
5. New Equilibrium: The narrative reaches its ending with a return to stability, but this new equilibrium is not the same as the original, reflecting upon the changes to the characters and the world around them
Todorov first introduced this framework in his 1969 piece titled Structural Analysis of Narrative, where he dove into the universal structure that is the backbone for all stories, suggesting that narratives hold more meaning than just as a sequence of events. He argues they reflect key human experiences. In his 1971 essay, he is able to further expand upon this emphasizing that the transition from one equilibrium to the next through disruption and resolution mirrors the challenges and developments common in real life.
Tzvetan Todorov (2012) |
By applying Todorov's Narrative Theory to our project, we will be able to provide a structured foundation to our story. Even if we don't show the whole process in our creation, it is important to set up how this process will go down, in the rest of our theoretical film. This approach is able to set the stage for the narrative arc, as well as help the audience feel familiar with the film and the way it will be presented.
Todorov, Tzvetan, and Arnold Weinstein. “Structural Analysis of Narrative.” NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, vol. 3, no. 1, 1969, pp. 70–76,
Todor. Todorov, Tzvetan. “The 2 Principles of Narrative.” Diacritics, vol. 1, no. 1, 1971, pp. 37–44,,
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