Thursday, October 10, 2024


 We have been learning about what Sound can do to develop a project.

Sound can add emotional impact, create dimension, and increase viewers perception. We learned about the differences between Diegetic and Non Diegetic Sound, sound effects, motifs, and foleys among other things. 

We were instructed to create a 1-2 minute sound clip of a certain scene. We had to utilize different techniques to build tension using only sound. 

My partner and I decided to attack a Haunted House scene, due to the various different sounds you could see in that situation. We decided to just start by listing possible things you could hear in or around a Haunted House. We used the outline to help organize our scene by sections. It made it much easier to visualize the time frame and ways we could employ certain sounds. My group utilized Adobe to edit our project. 

I think we did an excellent job of choosing sounds and adding in our own Foley sounds. However, we could have had a more cohesive story to entice the audience.


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